Cash Management Application

Quickly Raise Cash for Withdrawals and Manage Deposits for Client Accounts


Introducing continued SMArtX innovation for Advisors. The Cash Management Application is now available providing a quick access tool to raise cash for withdrawals and manage deposits for client accounts.

A “Funding Sleeve” is included in every UMA for setting aside cash for withdrawals and scheduled deposits avoiding accidental investment of cash during pending deposits or withdrawals.

Cash Management Tool Highlights:

Manage cash for deposits and withdrawals using any of the four transaction types:

  • Rebalancer: Use an account’s existing target portfolio to raise or invest cash
  • Pro-Rata: Raise or invest cash based on each holding’s current percentage weight in the account
  • Equal-Weighted: Distribute an equal amount into each sleeve
  • Custom: Generate transactions for one or more APM positions or sleeves in the account

Create and manage deposits and withdrawals using the Cash Management Scheduler for:

  • Same-day withdrawals
  • One-time future withdrawals and deposits
  • Recurring withdrawals (required minimum distributions) and deposits (dollar-cost averaging)

Other Key Features Include:

  • View all scheduled transactions in the Cash Management Calendar to see past and upcoming transactions.
  • Scheduled Withdrawals are processed the day before the withdrawal is scheduled to free cash in advance.
  • Scheduled Deposits are processed on the same day with cash remaining in the Funding Sleeve until process completion of the Cash Management Application.

If you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager or the client success team at